Best Dog Gate for Jumpers + Dog Training Tips (2023)

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Best Dog Gate for Jumpers

Dogs can be quite springy, and some can even climb fences!

If you have an issue with a jumper in your home who seems to get into everything, buying a proper gate is crucial.

It will prevent your dog from having access to things that can hurt them.

5 Toys for Pugs that Are Must-Haves in [2023]

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best toys for pugs

If your pug is anything like mine, playtime is their favorite part of the day.

Having a wide selection of breed-appropriate toys will be an excellent outlet for energy.

Plus, it teaches your pooch not to chew on your stuff.

Sid knows when a toy his, which has been super helpful to keep him from tearing up things he isn’t supposed to.

In this guide, I talk about the best toys for pugs and the potential dangers of not-so-great toys.

I hand-picked five toys to add to your pug’s collection. Let’s take a look!

7 Best Brushes For Pugs to Take Care of Stubborn Shedding

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If you have a Pug or any dog that sheds, you know the never-ending struggle of dog hair. It’s in your clothes, on your furniture, and in your food. 

You vacuum and you lint roll, but it feels like you’re never ahead of the game. 

I have tried many products to reduce the amount of Sid’s hair that ends up everywhere, but nothing seemed to work quite right. 

The first soft-bristle brush just didn’t reach the bottom layer of hair, and the fine-toothed comb got snarled in his fur. 

That’s when I found the Furminator. This brush is amazing! It removes LOTS of hair, but you have to be careful not to use it too often because I found it hurts a little on dogs’ skin. 

I only use it once a week when he’s blowing his coat in spring and autumn. 

For everyday brushing, I prefer the rubber Zoom Groom brush combined with the Mars Coat-King Bristle brush. They’re gentle enough to use more often and can reduce shedding effectively.

If you’re struggling with dog hair and looking for the best brush for Pugs, I would highly recommend giving the Zoom Groom and the Mars Coat-King Bristle brush a try.

The 5 Best Collars & Harness for Pugs: Safe and Stylish

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best harness for Pugs

A collar is the dog equivalent of clothing: they shouldn’t be out without it when they leave the house.

If you’re a pug owner, there are special considerations that you need to know before you shop.

It’s so important to keep their windpipe and spine protected– and some collars out there are downright dangerous!

I want to help you keep your pug safe. So, Sid and I did a little exploring to find the best collars for pugs and when they should wear one.

Can Pugs Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries are nature’s candy. Deliciously sweet. The perfect morsel. 

But can Pugs eat strawberries? 

That’s the question we’ll be asking today. They might be one of the most popular fruits for us humans, but can our gorgeous Pug indulge in this summer favorite alongside us? 

If you’ve been thinking of adding some new fruits to your Pug’s diet recently, then you’ve come to the right place. But first things first, let’s talk about all things strawbs!