Do Pugs Poop A Lot? How Often Do Pugs Poop and Pee?

When the time comes to bring home your precious Pug puppy, you’ll have a lot of questions. One of these questions is likely to be ‘how often should my Pug pup poop and pee’?

To alleviate any worries you may have, we’ve put together this helpful guide to the less glamorous part of Pug puppy parenthood. Pug poops and Pug puddles.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Do Pugs Poop a Lot? How Often Do Pugs (& Pug Puppies) Poop?

Remember the saying what goes in must come out? Well, it’s true. When your pug is young, they will probably poop after every meal.

For a Pug pup with a healthy balanced diet, you should expect them to have a bowel movement between three and five times per day.

When they grow up, adult Pugs often poop 2 to 3 times a day. How much they poop will depend on what and how much they are eating.

How Often Do Pugs Pee?

When your Pug is very young, their bladder is only very small and they will need to pee regularly. In general, a Pug puppy will need to urinate every 1-2 hours.

Don’t expect your puppy to be able to hold it in for any longer than this. If they have an accident, try not to get frustrated. It’s not their fault and you can start training once they’re old enough.

As your puppy grows and matures, they will be able to hold their pee longer. According to the American Kennel Club, a Pug pup should be able to hold their pee for an extra hour each month.

For example, a 2-month-old Pug should be able to hold their pee for 2 hours and a 3-month-old for 3 hours, etc.

Once your Pug is an adult, they should be able to hold their bladder for up to 8 hours, provided they are in good health.

When it comes to peeing, the old adage stays true. What goes in must come out. The more your Pug drinks the more they will need to pee.

In general, a healthy Pug will pee between 10 and 20 ml of urine for each pound of their own body weight.

How to Know if Your Pug’s Poop is Healthy

Once you’ve checked that your Pug’s pooping frequency is normal and healthy, it’s time to turn your attention to the poop itself.

I know it’s not the most glamorous of tasks, but it’s got to be done.

During puppyhood and into adulthood, regularly check your Pug’s bowel movements to make sure they’re looking healthy.

We recommend looking out for the 4 C’s.

These are color, consistency, content, and coating.

A healthy Pug poop is a medium brown color, compact, moist, and solid (it should hold its shape when you pick it up in the poop bag.

It should not contain any foreign materials like fur or parasites (these often appear as white specks in the stool).

Finally, your Pug’s stool should not have any kind of coating. Mucus around the stool is a sign of bowel inflammation or diarrhea.

Common Pug Poop Problems

Just like humans, a Pugs poop might not always be perfect. Some common poop problems include constipation, diarrhea, and increased stool frequency.

It’s important to check if your pet is having difficulty passing stool or pooping more regularly than normal as this will often help you and/ or your veterinarian identify what’s causing the problem.

1. Constipation

If your Pug starts pooping less than usual, then they might be constipated. This means they will find it difficult to pass poop as normal.

Typically constipation is brought on by insufficient hydration, poor diet, and lack of exercise, but it can also be brought on by some medications or even stress.

Severe blockages can be dangerous, so if your Pug hasn’t passed a stool for more than three days, make sure to visit your Vet.

Signs that your Pug is constipated include:

  • Frequent attempts to poop without results
  • Straining when pooping
  • Hard, dry stools that look like pebbles
  • Blood in the stool
  • Mucus in or around the stool
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of energy

You can prevent your Pug from becoming constipated by ensuring that they have a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and exercise regularly.

Try to avoid cheaper foods with too many filler ingredients as these are well known for causing digestive issues in Pugs.

2. Diarrhea

If your Pug starts pooping more regularly than normal and/or their stool is of a runny or loose consistency, then you should visit your veterinarian.

There are many things that can cause loose stools so it’s best to air on the side of caution with this one.

For very young pups, loose stools could indicate that they have not been properly dewormed by the breeder.

If you notice loose stools accompanied by blood then this is a sign of Parvovirus. This is a serious condition and you will need to contact your vet immediately for testing.

Luckily, in most cases, Pug diarrhea is temporary and non-life-threatening.

Increased poop frequency could be the result of overeating, an imbalanced diet, bacteria, environmental changes, or even increased stress levels.

Often by addressing these issues, your Pug will be back to normal in no time at all.

3. When Should You Be Worried?

If your Pug’s poop is more watery, runny, hard, or dry, then they may be experiencing trouble with their digestive system. Ask your vet about treatments for diarrhea and/ or constipation.

Likewise, if your Pug’s poop is discolored, this is also an indication that something isn’t right. Green, yellow, red, black, grey, or white coloration to the stool is something to take seriously.

  • Green stools indicate stress, gallbladder issues, or overconsumption of grass.
  • Yellow stools indicate problems with the liver or pancreas.
  • Grey stools also point to problems with the pancreas.
  • Red marks in the stool indicate that your Pug has a cut or tear in its anus.
  • Black stools could be a sign of internal bleeding. Visit your vet immediately.
  • White specks in the stool could indicate the presence of tapeworms. A chalky white consistency, however, points to too much calcium.

Common Pug Pee Problems

Changes to your Pug’s peeing frequency are also something to watch out for. If you notice a consistent increase or decrease in urination, you might want to book a visit with the local vet.

1. Decreased Urination

Decreased urination is most often caused by dehydration. Make sure that your Pug is drinking plenty of water throughout the day and with every meal.

A decrease in the amount or frequency of pee could also indicate some other health issues including kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Visit your vet if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Your Pug is visibly straining to pee
  • Their pee has a strange odor
  • You notice blood in their urine

2. Increased Urination

An increase in urination could indicate incontinence, urinary tract infection, diabetes, kidney, or bladder stones. In some cases, incontinence might be attributed to a psychological cause.

If your Pug is struggling to hold their pee, it’s important to visit your vet. They will be able to get to the underlying cause and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

If your Pug is suffering a bladder infection or physical abnormality they may require surgery.

Urinary tract infections are pretty common and more easily avoided. Sometimes a dog might develop a UTI because they have been forced to hold their pee too long, too many times.

Making your pug hold their pee for over eight hours regularly is not healthy and can lead to both UTIs and urinary stones.

So, make sure you’re giving your Pug regular bathroom breaks!

Pugs’ Poop and Pee are Important for Their Health

Many people don’t like dealing with the messy business of pet ownership. But it’s important to keep an eye on your Pug’s poop and pee habits to ensure that they are in optimum health.

Remember most adult Pugs will poop between 2-3 times a day (usually after meals), and a pup will pee more regularly than an adult Pug.

Most importantly, if you notice any abnormalities, make sure to book a check-up with your local veterinarian.