Fawn Pug 101| Why A Fawn Pug Could be Your Perfect Pet

Fawn Pug 101

You probably already know that fawn pugs are cute. Instagram is full of these squishy bundles of joy.

If you’re thinking about introducing a pug into your home, you’ve come to the right place. 

In this blog, we are going to cover everything you need to know before taking a fawn pug under your roof.

We’ve got the expertise and want you to have all the tools you need to care for your precious pet. 

Pugs are adorable, loving creatures, but they might be prone to some health issues. If you’re thinking of getting a pug of your own, you must understand their needs fully.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to make up your mind. So, let’s find out. Is a fawn pug the perfect pet for you? 


What Are Fawn Pugs? 

fawn pugs

Fawn pugs are easily recognized by their pale coat color. Fawn pugs are distinguished from other pugs simply by their coloring.

In all other respects, a fawn pug is just a pug. So, let’s take a step back and start with a general overview. 

We will discuss the fawn pug’s history, their main characteristics, and unique appearance.

Let’s get started. 

1. A history of the fawn pug

The fawn pug is arguably the most well-known pug variety. Pugs are an ancient breed.

They can be traced back as far as 400 B.C and appear in writings as far back as 600 B.C where they were described as the short-legged, short-headed canine. Needless to say, they looked very different from today’s pets.

Pugs were originally bred as companions to China’s royalty. By the 1500s China started trading with European powers. Dogs were offered as prized gifts and pugs, in particular, became increasingly popular in Europe. 

After careful breeding, pugs became a more standardized breed by the 19th century. Their colors were all that separated them – fawn and black. Around this time, England’s famous dog shows began and the first pug was exhibited in 1861.

Their popularity brought about the rise of the English pug. Two distinct pug types emerged.

The Willoughby Pug came to be predominantly black coated with white traces. The Morrison pug looked very different, with apricot-fawn coats. 

In the mid 19th century two pure Chinese pugs were brought to England. Their son was bred repeatedly to shape the development of today’s modern pet pugs. 

2. The key characteristics of a fawn pug 

Fawn pugs share a variety of particular characteristics.

Typically, fawn pugs have a stout, compact body, wrinkled face, short muzzle, and a tail that curls at the end.

As is typical of brachycephalic breeds, they are flat-faced with large eyes and expressive features. 

  • 10-12 inch (female)
  • 12-14 inch (male)
  • Short-haired
  • Smooth coat
  • Requires weekly brushing 
  • Requires regular bathing
  • 30 minutes daily 
  • 15-20 pounds (female)
  • 18-22 pounds (male)
  • 12-15 years
  • Companion dogs
  • Affectionate personality
  • Playful and loving
  • Can be stubborn 
  • Sensitive
  • Great for seniors and families
  • Shouldn’t be left alone for long periods
Good with children
  • Yes, pugs are gentle natured.
  • Great for families or first-time dog owners
Good with pets
  • Yes, even with cats!
Other names
  • Silver fawn pugs
  • Apricot fawn pugs

There are some main appearance characteristics associated with the breed and shared by most fawn pugs. These include:
Fawn pugs have a distinct appearance. Their expressive facial expressions are a joy to behold, providing endless chuckles for their owners.

  • Fawn pug appearance 
  1. Short legs and a stroud body
  2. Wrinkled body and a curled tail
  3. Flat-faced with a short muzzle
  4. Large, round head and prominent eyes
  5. Soft, velvety ears
  • Fawn pug coats

Fawn pug coats can display slight variances. Most fawn pugs have a light, tan-colored coat but some have additional markings as well.

These fawns are usually referred to as silver, or apricot fawn pugs. It is also quite common for fawn pugs to have a black muzzle. 

As for their coats, pugs shed… a lot. Pugs shed their coats every day so it’s important to keep brushing your pet regularly to remove shed hair.

Try to maintain a monthly bathing routine, to clean between those wrinkles using products suitable for sensitive dogs. 

  • Fawn pug weight

Pugs are prone to obesity, so keep an eye on their weight and watch their diet.

Inform yourself about what you should be feeding your pug and offer your pet a well-balanced diet alongside regular gentle exercise. 


Fawn Pugs vs Black Pugs – The Lowdown 

If you’re thinking about introducing a pug into your home, you’ve probably been wondering whether to opt for a fawn pug or a black pug. 

In reality, there is very little difference between these pooches besides their coloration. There are a few things to keep in mind, however. 

1. Popularity 

Both fawn and black pugs are wonderful pets. They have soft, loveable personalities and get on with people of all ages. 

To date, fawn pugs have proven the more popular pets. As a result, black pugs are bred less frequently and harder to find. 

2. Coloration

In terms of appearance, fawn pugs are pale in color. Some fawn pugs have silver or apricot markings and others have a black muzzle. 

Most frequently, black pugs have a completely black coat all over but some will have white markings on their body as well. 

3. Health

Both fawn and black pugs are physiologically the same. As a result, they share the same common health issues.

Both tend to develop breathing difficulties, eye problems and overheating.

If you’re thinking of adopting a black pug, it’s worth keeping in mind that their dark coat may exacerbate this problem and increase their sensitivity in hot weather. 


Personality Traits and Common Behaviors in Fawn Pugs

Like all pugs in general, fawns tend to have a bubbly and affectionate personality. Did you know that pugs are often referred to as “multum in parvo”?

In Latin, that means a lot in a little. And that says it all. Pugs may be small but they’re jam-packed full of personality and love. 

Pugs tend to have adorable temperaments. They are fun-loving, charming, and more often than not, hilarious.

These playful pooches also like to sleep a lot. So expect a tale of two halves with your little friend either bouncing around or snoozing in a comfy corner in equal measure. 

Their affectionate and loving nature makes pugs, and fawn pugs, wonderful companions.

They are perfect “entry-level” dogs. On the whole, pugs do not dig, chew, or bark excessively so they also make excellent companions for elderly people and safe family pets. 

Due to their flat faces, pugs sometimes make strange noises but don’t be alarmed.

The wheezing, snoring, heavy breathing and barking is all part of their eccentric charm.

Keep in mind that they can be stubborn little fellas, so make sure your pug knows you’re the boss.


Health and Nutrition For Your Fawn Pug 

1. Health issues 

Before deciding to introduce a fawn pug into your home, it’s important to be aware of some common health issues associated with the breed. 

Pugs are genetically predisposed to hip dysplasia, eye problems, and breathing difficulties.

So let’s explore each of these in detail. 

  • Fawn pug eyes

All pugs are prone to some serious eye problems. These are issues that will need treatment from a veterinarian or veterinary ophthalmologist.

It’s important to seek help as soon as you notice a problem with your pug’s eyes. 

Dry eye is a common condition in pugs, along with dystichia, proptosis, entropion, and corneal ulcers.

All of these conditions can degenerate quickly and cause your pet pain.

Pug owners must be prepared to look and for these signs and take measures accordingly. 

  • Bones and joints

Pugs of all colors are prone to serious problems with their bones- legs and elbows in particular.

One of the most common orthopedic problems experienced by pugs is hip dysplasia, a deformity to the hip joint. 

62% of pugs experience this in their lifetime. Luckily, it can be treated quite easily and most dogs go on to lead a healthy, happy life.

Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine is important to lower your pug’s risk of developing orthopedic impediments. 

  • Breathing difficulties

Brachycephalic syndrome is a common occurrence in pugs. Breathing problems arise when a pug’s airways become compromised.

Unfortunately, this is largely to do with this breed’s particular physiology. Flat-faced dogs like pugs, bulldogs, and Shih Tzus are most at risk. 

You can prepare the following health tests for your pug if you want to have full understanding of their health condition:

  1. Hip and elbow dysplasia evaluation
  2. Patella luxation evaluation 
  3. Ophthalmologist evaluation 
  4. Pug dog encephalitis (PDE) or Necrotizing Meningoencephalitis (NME)
  5. Testing for pyruvate kinase deficiency and bile acids

2. Nutrition 

Proper diet and nutrition are important for all dogs. But pugs are a breed for whom balanced-nutrition is of utmost importance.

These little pooches have a propensity to gain weight, so maintaining a healthy balanced diet, alongside exercise, is absolutely essential. 

Alongside their food, pugs must always be offered fresh water to avoid dehydration.

The quantity of food that you’ll want to give your dog will depend on its age and size.

For fawn pug puppies, try to divide food portions into several smaller portions per day. 

Whether you prefer to offer your fawn pug a wet, dry, fresh, or even homemade, nutrition plan, make sure you’re getting the quantities right.

But don’t worry, we’ve researched for you. Let’s take a look at the nutritional needs of baby, adult, and senior fawn pugs. 

  • The puppy plan

Fawn pug puppies have different nutritional needs compared to adult dogs.

They require more calories and loads of nutrients to help them develop and grow.

Toy breeds like pugs have a high metabolic rate and need more calories per pound than other, larger, dog breeds. 

It’s important not to overfeed them, however. Pugs are prone to obesity and have a very healthy appetite.

As your puppy grows, their dietary requirements will change.

Pugs reach maturity quickly, so make sure you’re adapting their diet as they mature. 

In general, puppies should be given 1 ounce of food per pound of body weight.  

Fawn pug puppies also benefit from regular meals. Take a look at this nutrition schedule for inspiration.

Age Volume Frequency
8 weeks – 3 months 1/4 – 1/2 cup of puppy food 4 times per day spaced 4 hours apart
3 – 6 months 1/4 – 1/3 cup of high-quality food  3 times per day spaced 5 hours apart
6 -12 months 1/3 – 1/2 cup of high-quality food  2 times per day spaced 8 hours apart
  • The adult menu

Adult dogs benefit from a diet made up of fresh foods. Lean meats like fish, liver, and chicken are great options.

Brown rice is a healthy grain, and remember to incorporate veggies.

Peas, green beans, broccoli, spinach, carrots, and cooked potatoes are very healthy options for your pet. 

Depending on their activity levels, fully-grown pugs only need to eat once or twice a day. 

Age Volume Frequency
12 months +  1/2 cup of high-quality adult dog food 1 or 2 times per day depending on activity levels and weight 
  • The senior spread

Senior pugs have their own dietary requirements. When your pug starts getting older you’ll need to be careful about the food you offer in the dog bowl.

Senior pugs are particularly prone to obesity. Adult pugs need approximately 40 calories per pound of body weight. 

But with the activity levels and metabolic rate of your pug diminishing with age, it’s important to make sure they’re not gaining unnecessary weight. 

Not only will your pug be more comfortable, but the right diet reduces risks of diabetes, liver disease, digestive problems, arthritis, and all manner of other health ailments. 

As your pooch gets older, complement their diet with vitamin and mineral supplements as recommended by your veterinarian. 


Exercising and Training Your Fawn Pug 

Exercise is super important, alongside good nutrition, to keep your pet fawn pug healthy. Pugs are sensitive animals, prone to many ailments.

As such it’s important to be vigilant of when, and how you exercise your pet to make sure you’re not doing more harm than good.

1. When to exercise your pug

We talked about pugs and breathing. As a brachycephalic breed, pugs are susceptible to breathing difficulties.

Exercise is important for their health but try not to exercise them during the hottest hours of the day.

You don’t want to risk them overheating. Stick to early mornings and later in the evening when temperatures are milder. 

2. How much to exercise your pug 

According to the UK Pug Dog Club, and the Kennel Club, pugs require approximately 40 minutes of exercise per day.

In reality, their small frames and delicate respiratory systems are better suited to short bursts of exercise, so prioritize lots of play and short walks. 

Always monitor your pug’s weight and alter their exercise regime in accordance – but never overexert your pug, this could do more harm than good.

Pugs thrive off routine so try to make walks regular and consider incorporating shorter walks in the morning and evening. 

Exercise benefits muscle tone, posture, and strong bones. It also reduces the risk of your pet developing cardiovascular diseases and improves their metabolic rate.

All in all, an appropriate exercise regimen is one of the best things you can do for your pet.    


Grooming Your Fawn Pug

Pugs shed 365 days a year, so it’s important to get to grips with grooming.

Here are some top tips to ensure your fawn pug always has a coat that is super shiny and healthy. 

  1. Bathe your pug monthly using dog-friendly shampoo for sensitive skin 
  2. Brush your dog regularly (every 1 to 3 days) with a soft brush
  3. Clean between your fawn pug’s wrinkles and folds
  4. Cleanse and clear their eyes each day
  5. Clean out their ear flaps a few times a week
  6. Check and clean ear canals about once every six weeks 
  7. Prioritize nasal care and clear their nostrils about twice per month
  8. Trim your pug’s nails if they’re getting too long
  9. Clean paws to avoid fungal infections and/or skin irritation 


Is A Fawn Pug Right For You?

You know all there is to know about caring for a fawn pug. From their history to proper grooming etiquette, you’re destined to be a pug owner pro.

Fawn pugs are sociable, gentle, loving pets. No wonder they were once the royal’s first pick.

Though they’re prone to health issues, with the proper care fawn pugs make very special pets indeed.

By caring for your pug with proper nutrition, exercise, and healthcare, you won’t regret bringing one of these bundles of fun into your home. 

A fawn pug could well be the perfect pet for you.